Stormwater Master Plan

2020 Update and Inventory
St. Pete Beach, Florida

North Lake Park Baseball Field


City of St. Pete Beach


St. Pete Beach, Florida

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Stormwater Master Plan
Update – 2020

Madrid CPWG was responsible for updating the  2012 stormwater master plan for the City of St. Pete Beach. The 2020 update of the master plan involved a resiliency study to account for the projected intermediate Sea Level Rise in 2050, as projected by Tampa Bay Climate Science Advisory Panel, by approximately 1.44 ft. over current mean sea level. The team also assessed the flooding impacts of stacking large (25 year and 100 year) storm events account on top of Sea Level Rise.

Precipitation estimates for large storm events were based on slightly more conservative latest NOAA Atlas 14 data than those by Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD). Extensive computer modeling was completed and used to develop conceptual designs forf several drainage improvement projects and adaptation strategies (in accordance with FDEP’s Adaptation Planning Guidebook) throughout the City in a prioritized fashion that will increase the resiliency rating of the City to face potential flooding due to these inevitable these hydrologic changes.

The project also addressed several BMPs (Best Management Practices) such as:

  • The use of tide check valves
  • Raising existing seawalls to a minimum of 5’ above current mean sea levels
  • Changes in the land use patterns to reduce Directly Connected Impervious Areas (DCIAs)

The 2020 update of the master plan included a resiliency study to account for the projected intermediate Sea Level Rise in 2050