Bonnie Brook

Pump Station Pond PS-209
Orange County, Florida

North Lake Park Baseball Field


Orange County


Orange County, Florida

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Bonnie Brook
Pump Station Pond, PS-029

Madrid CPWG  Stormwater Engineers were engaged by Orange County to assess the Bonnie Brook Pumping Station. The Bonnie Brook Pump Station Pond, PS-029, is located in south-central Orange County, within the Shingle Creek Watershed. The purpose of this project was to provide a solution that would alleviate the minor flooding conditions that existed in the roads adjacent to the previous concrete pond.

Data Collection: Our Stormwater Engineers evaluated the current conditions around the proposed pumping station.  They collected and reviewed maps and past studies concerning the area.  The maps included USGS Quadrangles, soils maps, floodplain maps, and existing right-of-way maps.  They also reviewed the construction plans for the surrounding subdivision, the Stormwater Management Master Plan for Shingle Creek, Pump Station As-builts, and pump curves

Madrid CPWG  Experts Analyzed Data From:

  • USGS Quadrangles
  • Soils maps
  • Floodplain maps
  • Surrounding subdivision construction plans
  • Shingle Creek Stormwater Management Master Plan
  • Pump station as-builts and pump curves

Madrid CPWG  Stormwater Engineers:

  • Visually inspected the basin, inlets, and stormwater system
  • Created an Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing (ICPR) Existing Conditions Stormwater Model
  • Demonstrated potential street, garage, and housing area flooding

Madrid CPWG  Team Used the Data to:

  • Prepare a Preliminary Engineering Report
  • Design improvements to the holding pond
  • Prepare construction plans
  • Prepare operation procedures

Madrid CPWG Engineers developed a solution that would alleviate the minor flooding conditions that existed in the roads adjacent to the previous concrete pond.