Branson Creek
Roundabout and Ozark National Parking Lot
Hollister, Missouri

Hollister, Taney County, Missouri
Related Services
Branson Creek
Roundabout and Ozark National Parking Lot
CPWG provided civil engineering and surveying services required for the construction of a proposed roundabout on Branson Creek Boulevard as well as a new parking lot for Ozark National Golf Course located in Hollister, Taney County, Missouri.
Roadway Design and Permitting
- Roundabout Analysis
- Roadway Plans
- Roundabout
- Parking Lot
- Dimensioning of the project site
- Building dimensions
- Parking layout
- Drive aisles
- Paving, Grading, and Drainage Plans
- Storm Water Detention Plan
- Site Utility Conduit Plan
- Signage Plan
- Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) Plan
- Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Surveying and Mapping
- A topographic survey of the above-ground man-made or natural
- Accessible drainage structures, gravity sewer lines, and associated pipes were located and detailed.
- Utility valves, transformers, or fire hydrants were located.
- Two site benchmarks were established for this project.
- All trees over 6” diameter were located with size and type
- The topographic survey added to the base map
- The topographic survey provided in digital format
- Construction staking was performed
Construction Administration
- Review contractor submittals
- Provide change order documentation
- Attend site meetings during construction
- Provide as-built drawings
- Provide Statement of Work Completed documentation