17th Street Resurfacing Design
Tampa, Florida
City of Tampa
Tampa, Florida
Related Services
17th Street
Resurfacing Design
Madrid CPWG was engaged by the City of Tampa to design construction plans covering the 17th Street Resurfacing project. Madrid CPWG was responsible for roadway design, drainage, signing and pavement marking design, Maintenance of Traffic (MOT), survey, and analysis of the existing geotechnical report provided by the City of Tampa.
Madrid CPWG Roadway Designers began the 17th Street Resurfacing project by conducting a field visit of the subject project to observe existing pavement conditions and photograph existing physical features of the project site. Because this project was adjacent to an elementary and middle school it required the construction to be coordinated during the summer while school was out of session. Additional coordination was required to develop alternative routes for summer school programs. The MOT included phasing and the appropriate dewatering/pumping system, sediment barriers, and inlet protection systems.
Construction Plans
CPWG provided construction plans to match project limits on 17th Street and 300 LF along 32nd Avenue and 33rd Avenue from 17th Street.
The plans included:
- Curbing and asphalt replacement
- Geofabric was included between the base and asphalt to provide additional structural support over a historic landfill
- Replacement of curb cut ramps that did not meet ADA Criteria
- Replacement of Miami gutter that was broken or depressed and not conveying water to the existing stormwater system
- Prepared full depth extents of the pavement and road base required to reconstruct the road
- Designed compaction and grading of the existing sub-base
- Designed signing and pavement markings
Pedestrian safety improvements to meet ADA Guidelines were designed including
- Special emphasis crosswalks
- Improved sidewalks
- New ramps
- Updated pedestrian and school zone signs
- Detectable warning surfaces
The Madrid CPWG design incorporated pedestrian safety improvements to meet ADA Guidelines.