Madrid CPWG Core Value
Clients First

The idea of ‘clients first’ is most definitely a concept of customer service. We believe we are in business to serve our customers. We want to give them what they need, when they need it. And for that, we will charge a fee to them and are paid for the (exceptional) work we do. That is the essence of business. But many businesses don’t operate that way. They think they are owed something before even performing the task or project. They think their name recognition deserves special treatment.
In a business relationship, Clients First means that our business puts the needs of our customers over everything else – including our needs and wants. How do we do that?
- We build deep relationships that lead to trust that lead to other projects and future opportunities; we do not view a project as a single job and a cloud of dust. You see, we live in the same locations you do, we have families and roots. So we know that the design is just the beginning. We will be there with you during construction and into long-term maintenance and upkeep, so we can both be proud of the job we did for generations.
- We listen to your needs. We try not to hear only what we want to hear.
- We acknowledge and value our customers… and we tell you so!
- We thank you for the work you give to us, and the trust behind it.
- We seek your feedback so the next time we do something for you, we can do it even better.
Clients First is a mindset that goes back more than 10,000 projects in our history (there have been very, very few unhappy customers in the 30-year history of our business). We’ve each been doing this for a long time, but we are upping our game as we move forward together!