Nice photo of the NCLF liner installation (Phase VI expansion) Brian Murphy is the Resident Observer for Madrid CPWG, our client Jones Edmunds and Polk County.
NCLF Phase VI Landfill Expansion
Madrid CPWG was contracted by Jones Edmunds to provide geotechnical exploration for the proposed NCLF Phase VI Landfill Cell which includes filling over the existing landfill areas.
Madrid CPWG Scope of Work:
- Utility locates via Sunshine One Call (required 3 days prior to the fieldwork);
- Complete a hollow stem auger boring or install temporary casing through the landfill material and approximately 3 to 5 feet beyond landfill debris to ensure drilling fluid circulation can be maintained while drilling (3 within hurricane debris pile and 2 to the east of the hurricane debris pile-within the existing Class III C&D landfill, with an allowance to add 11 more borings within the Class III C&D landfill area). Auger/Casing lengths vary from 15 feet to 25 feet for required borings and 40 to 115 feet for the allowance borings;
- Complete an SPT boring through hollow stem auger/casing to the requested depths (ranging from 85 to 95 feet total depth each including for the allowance borings);
- Complete 19 SPT borings along the perimeter of the landfill to depths ranging from 85 to 90 feet, within the hurricane debris pile to depths ranging from 85 to 95 feet;
- For all borings, when encountered, type of wastes and depths to water/leachate will be recorded on boring logs;
- An allowance for 11 additional SPT borings within the Class III C&D landfill to depths ranging from 105 to 185 feet. Odor control, if needed for these allowance borings through the Class III C&D landfill, may be implemented with an approximate cost shown on the fee schedule below;
- Collect undisturbed samples of soil below landfill base elevation for specialty lab testing (triaxial, direct shear and/or consolidation testing);
- Classification and laboratory testing (as needed) on soils from the borings will be performed;
- Provide original hard copies of the data report (as needed) signed and sealed by a registered professional geotechnical engineer and a PDF copy.
We’re looking forward to working with You!