CR 763 Roadway Rehabilitation
Pavement and Drainage Structure Assessment
Arcadia, Florida
DeSoto County Board of County Commissioners
Arcadia, Florida
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CR 763 Roadway
Rehabilitation Project
Madrid CPWG was asked to assist design engineers for a roadway rehabilitation project in Arcadia, DeSoto County, Florida. This area of proposed improvements for CR 763 included approximately 10 miles along a rural two-lane roadway. The roadway was in poor condition and in need of repair and/or replacement. The purpose of the investigation was to evaluate the existing pavement section and underlying, base, subgrade, and subsoil types along the alignment.
The evaluation included an assessment of the existing Structural Numbers (SN) and recommendations for milling and resurfacing as well as other rehabilitation options. A total of 26 hand auger borings and 40 pavement cores were collected along the alignment. Samples were tested in our FDOT certified laboratory and a Report of Core Borings, a Roadway Soil Survey sheet, both a summary and detailed core logs and photographs were included in our report along with the alternative repair and rehabilitation recommendations.
Madrid CPWG Approach
Boring and pavement core locations were selected in the office using Google Earth to get coordinates and then located in the field using handheld GPS equipment accurate to within plus or minus approximately 5 to 10 feet. Madrid CPWG utilized rolling Maintenance-of-Traffic (MOT) operations along with a customized mobile coring trailer set up to speed up field testing time. Laboratory testing was completed throughout the project as samples were returned to our in-house soils lab. Notes regarding the general pavement condition were made and considered when developing the various maintenance recommendations.
Madrid CPWG Benefits
Although this was a very low volume roadway with very few vehicles traveling during working hours, the specialized operation including custom coring operation and mobile MOT greatly accelerated field time and reduced potential safety exposure to our staff and the traveling public. We were able to collect the field and laboratory testing data well within the schedule and budget which provided more budget for participation in project meetings and discussions to develop the most economical rehabilitation to the County.